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TurboCAD 2020 Platinum, English

TurboCAD 2020 Platinum
Premium, Professional 2D/3D CAD Software

  • Ready to use 2D/3D CAD for everyone
  • Complete 2D/3D design tools
  • Easy to learn and use
  • 3D printing features
  • Excellent file sharing
  • Architectural design tools
  • Photorealistic rendering, materials and lighting
  • Photorealistic rendering, materials and lighting
  • NEW! Repeat Last Command
  • NEW! Generate Weight Report



Introduction to TurboCAD Pro Platinum

TurboCAD Platinum 2020 is a brilliant collection of professional 2D/3D CAD tools to design, modify, present, and document in an integrated fashion. An optional AutoCAD® 2020-like 2D drafting interface with command line and dynamic input cursor helps professionals already familiar with AutoCAD easily get up to speed. 

  • Advanced technology
  • A powerful drafting palette,
  • D-Cube constraints
  • ACIS® engine 
  • Enhance productivity. 

Advanced architectural and mechanical design tools add even greater flexibility and control, while superior rendering controls produce powerful presentations. Plus TurboCAD Pro-Platinum is programmable and supports over 40 file formats including .DWG, .DXF, .SKP, 3D .PDF, 3MF, FBX and .STL for 3D printing.

Key Features

Powerful UI & Performance

If you’re new to TurboCAD Pro Platinum, features like the fully customizable interface, including an optional AutoCAD®-like 2D drafting interface, can help you get started.  Save more time with handle based editing and a GPU accelerated drawing engine.  Even collecting and assembling all external resources and entities attached to a drawing for distribution is simple with ePack.  Plus, TurboCAD is 64-bit compatible to manage even the largest CAD files.

Design Director

Organize, access, and explore design alternatives.  The Design Director Palette provides advanced controls for Layers, Layer Filters, creating Layer Sets, setting and saving Work Planes, controlling Named Views, and more to streamline work and enhance productivity. 

2D Design and Editing

TurboCAD is rich in professional 2D/3D design tools and drawing aids that speed design.  Create views and viewports of any size and shape. Access extensive paper space and printing options.  Multi-select drawing tool, dimension tools, and more.  



3D Surface Modeling

TurboCAD includes a complete set of 3D surface modeling and editing tools making it ideal for both single part and small assembly mechanical designs. 


ACIS® Solid Modeling / Advanced Mechanical Design


TurboCAD Pro Platinum provides advanced 3D surface and ACIS solid modeling tools.  The thread tool, twisted extrude, extrude to face, imprint tool, parametric holes, imprint and more enable the easy creation of your more complicated professional designs.  Access advanced modification tools like bend, unbend, and facet offset make it easier to modify existing geometry.   Smooth surface mesh / sub-D modeling tools are also available allowing for the creation of more organic shapes. 



Architectural & GIS

TurboCAD includes an integrated suite of architectural tools that accelerate productivity in design and drafting, or in the documentation of existing compatible architectural models. The architectural objects are AutoCAD® Architecture (ACA) compatible so that .DWG models with ACA extensions may be read, modified, and documented as needed. 


Photorealistic Rendering & Visualization

TurboCAD Pro Platinum includes lighworks to speed design work and create stunning presentations.    Render management of materials, luminances, environments, advanced render styles and more help users create truly photorealistic presentations of their design.


Parametric Parts Manager

Create parts that remain parametrically controlled, even after insertion into your drawing.  Also draw variably constrained parts and convert them to parametric parts.  Parts can be saved individually, and libraries of .PPM objects can be created, shared, and reused from project to project. 

External References (Xrefs)

All of the file formats that may be opened and imported, except bitmap images, may be used as an external reference (Xref). TurboCAD offers Xref clipping for dozens of file formats and binding of Xrefs, which can then be exploded and edited. Xref layers are also easy to manage, including with layer filters. 

Programmable (SDK & Ruby Scripting)

Extend the functionality of TurboCAD Pro Platinum by develop new tools, functions, and behaviors. Custom routines that are performed on a regular basis can be automated. Specific tools for vertical applications can be created and added. Even commercial plug-in applications may be developed and sold. Updated documentation and samples are provided and there is a wiki and forum-based support online.  

What’s New in TurboCAD Platinum 2020?




Performance, User Interface & Usability


Ribbon Large/Small icons, available space icon sizing

A new local menu option has been added when right-clicking on a Ribbon icon Users can now change the icon size/icon text to “Large Image and Text”, which allows for display of a larger image of the tool icon with associated text.   


Changing the styles of Ribbon icons with a lack of free space

When using the Ribbon Interface, as you change either the UI Scale or Icon size through the Options/Toolbars and Menus /Options menu, the Size and Style (with or without text) of the icon will dynamically change.



Repeat Last Command

The new Repeat command allows user to repeat the previous command with a single click.



2D Drafting and Editing


Block and Group Editing Mode indicator bar

When editing a Block or Group, a (new) small toolbar appears in the upper-left corner of the drawing area. The toolbar displays the Block or Group name and includes a ‘Finish’ icon to return the user to the main Model Space.


Improved 3D Snap 

Now, the intersection of two, 2D objects not in the same Work Plane can be snapped to.  Useful for 3D modification tools such Lofting, Covering and Extrusions.


Drafting Palette: Ability to select Layer Sets

As with Paper Space View Ports, the Drafting Palette now has an Option to select a Layer Set.  The Layer Set can contain both visible and non-visible layers. Previously, drafting objects did not take into account the visibility; rather it considered all layers in the 3D object visible, so user may have gotten drafting object with un-needed information.


This same Layer Set addition has been added to the Drafting Object via the local menu Properties:


Constraint Animation

Dimension values that drive angles, lengths, and distances within a constraint system can now be animated.  Animating these values provides powerful visual feedback to range of motion issues common in mechanical design problems. 

The tool extends into 3D motion analysis when the dimension values are part of a 2D constrained sketch that is used to define 3D extruded, sweep, or lathed shapes.  Animating the dimension value automatically updates not only the sketch but the dependent 3D part. 

The user interface provides a variety of controls to analyze the motion including step increments, range, loop, pause, and move forward or backward. 


Paper Space Viewport Explode improvements

Exploded Viewports in Paper Space can now be created with Hidden Line and Non-renderable objects enabled.  In addition, extra lines which appeared in multi-story house have now been removed


Best Fit Circle and Line 

The new Best Fit Circle and Line tools allow the user to draw a circle which is best-fitted through 3 or more defined points or a line through 2 or more points. Points can be extracted from a specified location or from a specific object.


Auto-Numbering Feature

The Auto-numbering tool allows you to select multiple text entities and have them auto-numbered.  Numbers are placed either at the end of each text block or can replace the text block.






Openings modifier

A new “Auto Modifier" option has added. With this option enabled, the Opening (wall clipping contour modifier will be generated automatically. Previously the Opening modifier had to be manually defined. If the opening modifier was not defined, then a rectangle (opening extents) was always used to make a hole on the wall.  Only 3D objects are used as modifiers.



3D Design and Modeling

Mass Properties

By assigning a Material to a 3D Solid object, the Density of that object is applied based upon the Material. Knowing the Density and the Volume of the 3D object enables TurboCAD to display through the Mass Properties tool, that 3D objects or collection of 3D objects’ weight. 


Generate Weight Report

New tool that once materials have been assigned to solid objects, allows the user to generate a Weight report and export it to a Bill of Materials.


Rendering and Visualization



The new Flatshot tool allows users to create a 2D view of a 3D object, including visible and invisible lines, and then save that view in the Blocks Palette. A great tool for creating stunning presentations!



New professional mechanical cad file formats added:

New support of Import and Export file filters from the leading, professional mechanical CAD products. Including: CATIA, Inventor, NX, Parasolid, ProE, Solid Edge, SolidWorks, and VDA-FS From CATIA

AutoCad® and sketchup files:
TurboCAD now supports Import/Export of the AutoCAD 2020 DWG and DXF file formats, and Import/Export of SketchUp 2020 SKP file format.
Select feature or defeature part:

Using the Facet Editor, you can now select all similar classes of ACIS® Objects – Blend Networks, Blend Sequences, Protrusions or Depressions, of a body part simply by selecting a single facet of that part. A powerful tool for replacing or removing a feature from an imported 3D part with no History.
  • Easy to Learn and Use with set up wizards, context-sensitive help, snaps, alignment aids, and handle-based editing.
  • AutoCAD® 2020-like 2D drafting interface option with command line and dynamic input cursor.

  • Complete 2D/3D Design Tools for drafting, modeling, modifying, dimensioning and annotation.

  • Surface Modeling Tools like 2D/3D Booleans, extrude, revolve, sweeps, & more.

  • ACIS® 3D Solid Modeling and Advanced Mechanical Design tools to create complex 3D objects.

  • Professional Part Tree that can act like a selective Undo/Redo for all your 2D/3D operations.

  • Powerful Drafting Palette that creates associative sections and cut planes.

  • Advanced Architectural Tools including a greater range of parametric architectural objects, style manager, and IFC support.

  • Superior Photorealistic Rendering, materials, and lighting to create powerful presentations.

  • Dozens of Productivity Tools such as PDF underlay and ePack with New Intelligent File Send.

  • 2D Geometric and Dimension Constraints.

  • Database Connectivity with Customizable Reporting.

  • Point Cloud Support.

  • Programmable with Ruby Scripting or Software Development Kit to create routines, features, & more.

  • Over 40 industry standard CAD & graphic file formats supported to share your work.

  • New Import of TurboApp files from mobile devices.

  • Over 50 new and improved features!

System Requirements
Version 2020
Size 880Mb
Platform Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10

CPU Type

  • 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor

64-bit System Requirements

  • Microsoft Windows 10, Windows 8* 64-bit, Windows 7 (64-bit), Vista (64-bit)
  • 8 GB RAM

32-bit System Requirements:

  • Microsoft Windows 10, Windows 8*, Windows 7
  • 4GB RAM

*TurboCAD is designed for desktops or laptops that meet the indicated system requirements. Windows RT technology used on some tablets is not supported.


  • Your experience with TurboCAD Pro Platinum will be greatly enhanced with a newer generation, higher speed CPU, 16 GB RAM.
TurboCAD 2020 Platinum, English
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Produktinformationen "TurboCAD 2020 Platinum, English"

TurboCAD 2020 Platinum
Premium, Professional 2D/3D CAD Software

  • Ready to use 2D/3D CAD for everyone
  • Complete 2D/3D design tools
  • Easy to learn and use
  • 3D printing features
  • Excellent file sharing
  • Architectural design tools
  • Photorealistic rendering, materials and lighting
  • Photorealistic rendering, materials and lighting
  • NEW! Repeat Last Command
  • NEW! Generate Weight Report



Introduction to TurboCAD Pro Platinum

TurboCAD Platinum 2020 is a brilliant collection of professional 2D/3D CAD tools to design, modify, present, and document in an integrated fashion. An optional AutoCAD® 2020-like 2D drafting interface with command line and dynamic input cursor helps professionals already familiar with AutoCAD easily get up to speed. 

  • Advanced technology
  • A powerful drafting palette,
  • D-Cube constraints
  • ACIS® engine 
  • Enhance productivity. 

Advanced architectural and mechanical design tools add even greater flexibility and control, while superior rendering controls produce powerful presentations. Plus TurboCAD Pro-Platinum is programmable and supports over 40 file formats including .DWG, .DXF, .SKP, 3D .PDF, 3MF, FBX and .STL for 3D printing.

Key Features

Powerful UI & Performance

If you’re new to TurboCAD Pro Platinum, features like the fully customizable interface, including an optional AutoCAD®-like 2D drafting interface, can help you get started.  Save more time with handle based editing and a GPU accelerated drawing engine.  Even collecting and assembling all external resources and entities attached to a drawing for distribution is simple with ePack.  Plus, TurboCAD is 64-bit compatible to manage even the largest CAD files.

Design Director

Organize, access, and explore design alternatives.  The Design Director Palette provides advanced controls for Layers, Layer Filters, creating Layer Sets, setting and saving Work Planes, controlling Named Views, and more to streamline work and enhance productivity. 

2D Design and Editing

TurboCAD is rich in professional 2D/3D design tools and drawing aids that speed design.  Create views and viewports of any size and shape. Access extensive paper space and printing options.  Multi-select drawing tool, dimension tools, and more.  



3D Surface Modeling

TurboCAD includes a complete set of 3D surface modeling and editing tools making it ideal for both single part and small assembly mechanical designs. 


ACIS® Solid Modeling / Advanced Mechanical Design


TurboCAD Pro Platinum provides advanced 3D surface and ACIS solid modeling tools.  The thread tool, twisted extrude, extrude to face, imprint tool, parametric holes, imprint and more enable the easy creation of your more complicated professional designs.  Access advanced modification tools like bend, unbend, and facet offset make it easier to modify existing geometry.   Smooth surface mesh / sub-D modeling tools are also available allowing for the creation of more organic shapes. 



Architectural & GIS

TurboCAD includes an integrated suite of architectural tools that accelerate productivity in design and drafting, or in the documentation of existing compatible architectural models. The architectural objects are AutoCAD® Architecture (ACA) compatible so that .DWG models with ACA extensions may be read, modified, and documented as needed. 


Photorealistic Rendering & Visualization

TurboCAD Pro Platinum includes lighworks to speed design work and create stunning presentations.    Render management of materials, luminances, environments, advanced render styles and more help users create truly photorealistic presentations of their design.


Parametric Parts Manager

Create parts that remain parametrically controlled, even after insertion into your drawing.  Also draw variably constrained parts and convert them to parametric parts.  Parts can be saved individually, and libraries of .PPM objects can be created, shared, and reused from project to project. 

External References (Xrefs)

All of the file formats that may be opened and imported, except bitmap images, may be used as an external reference (Xref). TurboCAD offers Xref clipping for dozens of file formats and binding of Xrefs, which can then be exploded and edited. Xref layers are also easy to manage, including with layer filters. 

Programmable (SDK & Ruby Scripting)

Extend the functionality of TurboCAD Pro Platinum by develop new tools, functions, and behaviors. Custom routines that are performed on a regular basis can be automated. Specific tools for vertical applications can be created and added. Even commercial plug-in applications may be developed and sold. Updated documentation and samples are provided and there is a wiki and forum-based support online.  

What’s New in TurboCAD Platinum 2020?




Performance, User Interface & Usability


Ribbon Large/Small icons, available space icon sizing

A new local menu option has been added when right-clicking on a Ribbon icon Users can now change the icon size/icon text to “Large Image and Text”, which allows for display of a larger image of the tool icon with associated text.   


Changing the styles of Ribbon icons with a lack of free space

When using the Ribbon Interface, as you change either the UI Scale or Icon size through the Options/Toolbars and Menus /Options menu, the Size and Style (with or without text) of the icon will dynamically change.



Repeat Last Command

The new Repeat command allows user to repeat the previous command with a single click.



2D Drafting and Editing


Block and Group Editing Mode indicator bar

When editing a Block or Group, a (new) small toolbar appears in the upper-left corner of the drawing area. The toolbar displays the Block or Group name and includes a ‘Finish’ icon to return the user to the main Model Space.


Improved 3D Snap 

Now, the intersection of two, 2D objects not in the same Work Plane can be snapped to.  Useful for 3D modification tools such Lofting, Covering and Extrusions.


Drafting Palette: Ability to select Layer Sets

As with Paper Space View Ports, the Drafting Palette now has an Option to select a Layer Set.  The Layer Set can contain both visible and non-visible layers. Previously, drafting objects did not take into account the visibility; rather it considered all layers in the 3D object visible, so user may have gotten drafting object with un-needed information.


This same Layer Set addition has been added to the Drafting Object via the local menu Properties:


Constraint Animation

Dimension values that drive angles, lengths, and distances within a constraint system can now be animated.  Animating these values provides powerful visual feedback to range of motion issues common in mechanical design problems. 

The tool extends into 3D motion analysis when the dimension values are part of a 2D constrained sketch that is used to define 3D extruded, sweep, or lathed shapes.  Animating the dimension value automatically updates not only the sketch but the dependent 3D part. 

The user interface provides a variety of controls to analyze the motion including step increments, range, loop, pause, and move forward or backward. 


Paper Space Viewport Explode improvements

Exploded Viewports in Paper Space can now be created with Hidden Line and Non-renderable objects enabled.  In addition, extra lines which appeared in multi-story house have now been removed


Best Fit Circle and Line 

The new Best Fit Circle and Line tools allow the user to draw a circle which is best-fitted through 3 or more defined points or a line through 2 or more points. Points can be extracted from a specified location or from a specific object.


Auto-Numbering Feature

The Auto-numbering tool allows you to select multiple text entities and have them auto-numbered.  Numbers are placed either at the end of each text block or can replace the text block.






Openings modifier

A new “Auto Modifier" option has added. With this option enabled, the Opening (wall clipping contour modifier will be generated automatically. Previously the Opening modifier had to be manually defined. If the opening modifier was not defined, then a rectangle (opening extents) was always used to make a hole on the wall.  Only 3D objects are used as modifiers.



3D Design and Modeling

Mass Properties

By assigning a Material to a 3D Solid object, the Density of that object is applied based upon the Material. Knowing the Density and the Volume of the 3D object enables TurboCAD to display through the Mass Properties tool, that 3D objects or collection of 3D objects’ weight. 


Generate Weight Report

New tool that once materials have been assigned to solid objects, allows the user to generate a Weight report and export it to a Bill of Materials.


Rendering and Visualization



The new Flatshot tool allows users to create a 2D view of a 3D object, including visible and invisible lines, and then save that view in the Blocks Palette. A great tool for creating stunning presentations!



New professional mechanical cad file formats added:

New support of Import and Export file filters from the leading, professional mechanical CAD products. Including: CATIA, Inventor, NX, Parasolid, ProE, Solid Edge, SolidWorks, and VDA-FS From CATIA

AutoCad® and sketchup files:
TurboCAD now supports Import/Export of the AutoCAD 2020 DWG and DXF file formats, and Import/Export of SketchUp 2020 SKP file format.
Select feature or defeature part:

Using the Facet Editor, you can now select all similar classes of ACIS® Objects – Blend Networks, Blend Sequences, Protrusions or Depressions, of a body part simply by selecting a single facet of that part. A powerful tool for replacing or removing a feature from an imported 3D part with no History.
  • Easy to Learn and Use with set up wizards, context-sensitive help, snaps, alignment aids, and handle-based editing.
  • AutoCAD® 2020-like 2D drafting interface option with command line and dynamic input cursor.

  • Complete 2D/3D Design Tools for drafting, modeling, modifying, dimensioning and annotation.

  • Surface Modeling Tools like 2D/3D Booleans, extrude, revolve, sweeps, & more.

  • ACIS® 3D Solid Modeling and Advanced Mechanical Design tools to create complex 3D objects.

  • Professional Part Tree that can act like a selective Undo/Redo for all your 2D/3D operations.

  • Powerful Drafting Palette that creates associative sections and cut planes.

  • Advanced Architectural Tools including a greater range of parametric architectural objects, style manager, and IFC support.

  • Superior Photorealistic Rendering, materials, and lighting to create powerful presentations.

  • Dozens of Productivity Tools such as PDF underlay and ePack with New Intelligent File Send.

  • 2D Geometric and Dimension Constraints.

  • Database Connectivity with Customizable Reporting.

  • Point Cloud Support.

  • Programmable with Ruby Scripting or Software Development Kit to create routines, features, & more.

  • Over 40 industry standard CAD & graphic file formats supported to share your work.

  • New Import of TurboApp files from mobile devices.

  • Over 50 new and improved features!

System Requirements
Version 2020
Size 880Mb
Platform Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10

CPU Type

  • 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor

64-bit System Requirements

  • Microsoft Windows 10, Windows 8* 64-bit, Windows 7 (64-bit), Vista (64-bit)
  • 8 GB RAM

32-bit System Requirements:

  • Microsoft Windows 10, Windows 8*, Windows 7
  • 4GB RAM

*TurboCAD is designed for desktops or laptops that meet the indicated system requirements. Windows RT technology used on some tablets is not supported.


  • Your experience with TurboCAD Pro Platinum will be greatly enhanced with a newer generation, higher speed CPU, 16 GB RAM.
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